• 2.8M TH/S+
    Mining Hashrate
  • 3.5%+
    24 Hour Profit
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  • 218+
    Active Members
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1. Get a personal cryptocurrency Wallet.

Lots of users have already heard about the existence of cryptocurrency. There are many providers that offer free registration of cryptocurrency wallet. We suggest you visit

Coinbase Blockchain
If you have already registered an address before with another website, don't worry: we work with any type of wallets that allow you to send and receive cryptocurrency payments. Please note that during account registration you will need to set your cryptocurrency account - this is your unique Bitcoin address. A cryptocurrency address is an identifier of 26-35 alphanumeric characters, beginning with the number 1 or 3, that represents a possible destination for a cyrptocurrency payment.

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2. Make Investment

Once you have registered, login to your account and go to Make Deposit section. All you need is to enter amount of your deposit, not less than 0.066185 Bitcoin. Depending on this amount the system will automatically select the appropriate plan. Select radio button Direct BTC transfer and click Make Deposit. Now the system offers to send deposit amount to the coin address of the company. You can send any amount (but not less than 0.066185 Bitcoin). You should make this payment from your wallet. To do this, copy the address and use it for sending.

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3. Watch Your Investment Grow

Our uniqueness lies in the fact that profit is accrued every 60 minutes after the addition of your deposit. This process is endless, and you can stay company's investor as long as possible. Deposit is working on an ongoing basis, and brings profit every hour, 7 days a week. Note that profit is accrued at intervals of 60 minutes, accrual time coincides with the time of addition of deposit to your account. Please also note that the company's server works in GMT zone.

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4. Withdraw Your Profit

To get payout, you have to make appropriate request in your account. Go to Withdraw funds section and enter the amount you want to withdraw. The minimum amount you can withdraw is 0.0005 BTC/ETH.

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Open account for free and start trading Crypto Coin!

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